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Ministry for Primary Industries Risk Management Programmes (License ID: NZPURE1)

Pure Vitality manufactures, packs and stores products classed under New Zealand legislation as animal products. This includes our deer products, dairy products, marine products and bee products. We operate under a registered Risk Management Programme (RMP). An RMP is a written programme designed to manage hazards, wholesomeness and labelling of our products. Pure Vitality’s RMP documents how it complies with New Zealand food safety legislation including the Dietary Supplements Act 1985 and the Animal Products Act 1999. This is to ensure the products we sell are safe, healthy and honestly labelled.

Pure Vitality’s RMP is registered and verified quarterly by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.



Natural Health Product New Zealand

Natural Health Products NZ (NHPNZ) is a national industry organization representing the natural products, functional foods, complementary medicines, cosmeceuticals, and nutraceuticals industries.  NHPNZ is mandated to ensure the industry maintains high product quality, safety and efficacy standards. Pure Vitality has been a member of NHPNZ since 2007.



HACCP Certified

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognized system used to identify and manage food safety hazards.  HACCP scientifically analyzes the microbiological, physical and chemical hazards throughout all stages of the food chain including manufacture, packing, storage and distribution of a product.  Once hazards are identified, appropriate control measures are implemented before any problems can occur.
Pure Vitality operates under a certified Food Safety Management HACCP System for the processing, extraction, drying, manufacture, production, packing and storage of all its products.

GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice  (License Number GMP/22/063)

GMP is an internationally recognized certification and quality control scheme. This provides independent verification and certification that the manufacturing practices and fundamentals of an effective food safety program are being followed.  Many country’s regulatory bodies require a food manufacturer to be GMP Certified before they’ll allow a product to be registered in their country.
Pure Vitality’s products are made in our GMP Certified factory.  Our certification license includes formulation, extraction, manufacture, processing and packing of dietary supplements and food supplements. This includes animal products such as deer velvet, deer coproducts, bee products (including propolis), dairy products, meat powders, marine and seafood (including shellfish), non-animal products including herbs, fruits, and vegetable bases, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, amino acids, and other dietary supplement powders.
Our GMP certification includes several finished product forms. Capsules, tablets, powders, tinctures, and liquids are finished in retail packaging. These include bottles, jars, sachets, foils, bags, and cartons.



New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Registered Exporter (License ID: Pure100)

Pure Vitality is registered as an Exporter with the Ministry for Primary Industries. New Zealand Exporters need to be registered to be able to apply for official assurances (export certificates).  As a Registered Exporter Pure Vitality is bound to comply with MPI and various Acts, to follow specific duties for the products we export. Such duties include:

  1. Ensuring our products meet relevant New Zealand standards
  2. Complying with relevant export eligibility requirements
  3. Reporting to MPI if they are no longer fit for purpose or are refused entry by a destination country
  4. Keeping appropriate records.




U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Registration Number 18958819516)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the US Government Department that is responsible for the safety of food and drugs sold in the USA.  Facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold food that is intended for human or animal consumption in the United States must register with FDA before beginning these activities. The registration requirement applies to any facility that conducts these activities so that the FDA can check and audit any FDA food registered facility, at any time.  Pure Vitality’s registration number is 18958819516.